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Your Therapist or Not?

Modern day life is busy. It is chaotic and noisy. We are flooded with messages, thoughts, ideas, catastrophic events, and horrible things people do to each other. We are desensitized and taught, purposely or not, to shut down, fake emotions, pretend to be something we aren’t and fit in. But make sure you stand out too. But only in a way we deem acceptable. Then we walk out to our horses.

We walk out to the barn after bracing and blocking ourselves to every day life and carry it there. We make our horses our “therapists” dumping negative energy on them and then block out the communication they try to give us that they aren’t happy. They don’t feel safe or understood. We selfishly demand they be perfect for us requiring from them something they can’t give us. Peace, joy, confidence and self love and acceptance.

Your horse is not a therapist. The barn can only be a place of peace if you deal with your 💩 elsewhere and bring peace and calmness to the barn. The horse can only bring joy when you stop fighting and learn how to listen to what your horse needs to feel safe, comfortable and understood.

If things aren’t going well, slow down listen to what your horse is telling you. They reflect back our mental and emotional state and how well we are communicating and listening to them and they aren’t wrong.


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