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I Am Owed

Our preconceived ideas of how we believe things should be causes so much angst and strife in our relationships.  For instance, in the relationship with our horses, we believe they must act a certain way… Read More »I Am Owed

Your Therapist or Not?

Modern day life is busy. It is chaotic and noisy. We are flooded with messages, thoughts, ideas, catastrophic events, and horrible things people do to each other. We are desensitized and taught, purposely or not,… Read More »Your Therapist or Not?

On Horse Time

Horses don’t have a time frame or schedule like people do. They know when they eat and sleep and they hang out with their buddies, but their day doesn’t operate in minutes and hours. ⁣⁣When… Read More »On Horse Time

Are You Responsible?

You are responsible for your problems and the way you view them. It might not necessarily be your fault, though it could be entirely or partially, but you are still responsible for them and how… Read More »Are You Responsible?