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On Horse Time

Horses don’t have a time frame or schedule like people do. They know when they eat and sleep and they hang out with their buddies, but their day doesn’t operate in minutes and hours. ⁣

When a person walks to the barn and constricts themselves to a time frame and expectation level, it has already set them up for trouble. ⁣

A well trained quiet horse willing to please its owner will go along if rushed and stressed, but it will create a negative impact on the next time you walk out to the barn. ⁣

A young horse that is learning and needs patience and time becomes explosive or sometimes even aggressive when pushed to far to fast without having a moment to think, process and relax. ⁣

We’re coming into their world and imposing our expectations on them. It’s not a bad thing for a horse to work for us, but if you aren’t willing to slow down and relax you will constantly be causing unnecessary fights. ⁣

The moment you start thinking on your time frame and casting immovable expectations on the horse for that allotted amount of time, is when you will cause unnecessary and even dangerous reactions